Thursday, November 4, 2010


just now, one of my friend ask me to open a link. so i read it n of course i was surprised. it was sort of mean i would say. but i now he has a good intention. thanks for sharing it to me. i appreciated it. frankly speaking the issue about 'btudung' or not is kind of sensitive sometimes. no one ever told me about it. it was the first time sum1 told me. im not ready to change. its not tht i am bad girl if im not wearing tudung rite. this is wht i used to be. nor my family cares about it because we are just the same. this is the way we are n maybe not the same here. so wht the big deal about it. i think it was just a small matter bcause this is the life tht i hve gone throughout my life so im used to it. if i wnt to wear a tudung i will not only wear it just to hide my hair. i will def change evreything bout me. thts my point. there is no use to just 'tutup ur head tapi hati xtutup'. still do wht is illegal to do. they are still wearing tight clothes. is it decent? dont judge a book by its cover. dont just simply judge ppl by their appeance or in specific btudong or not. doesnt mean if im not btudong then im a bad prson. i know i hve lack of knowledge about agama. n i dont know who should be blame about it bcause my father himself is a mualaf. he doesnt know about agama same goes with my mom. i try to learn n maybe one day i would change to bcome a better prson luaran n dalaman.

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